Mummy Milestone #28

I finally became one of “those parents” with the screaming child in the restaurant. However, in my defense it took a good 9 months for it to happen, so I think I deserve some kind of pat on the back. (But it’s not like she’s been out to that many eateries — probably under 10.)

I’ll have you know that I promptly left the restaurant once she let out her first, ear-piercing shriek. I wasn’t about to stay and enjoy my spicy sesame chicken when it was my fault for bringing her out in the first place.

The wheels were set in motion when the hubby called to ask if I wanted to join him and his mom for lunch. Why yes, going out to lunch during the middle of the week is one of my favorite things to do (or at least it used to be), so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. But the timing could have been better…a whole lot better.

I take full responsibility because I knew my daughter was tired and due for her afternoon nap, but I thought that she’d be fine if I was holding her. I was just thinking that my trade-off for her not napping like a “normal” baby was that she’s almost always very mellow and well-behaved when we’re out and about. Well, damn if they don’t love to prove you wrong.

I almost called and canceled, but the lure of midday dining was too strong (and I’m completely selfish). So I kept the date and met them against my mummy’s intuition. We sat down and threw every toy at her from the diaper bag. We even let her play with the chopsticks despite the jagged wooden edges. They were keeping her happy…for the moment.

At first I didn’t worry too much, even brushing off my husband’s concerned look at her first sign of fussiness. The din from our fellow diners and the music overhead was pretty loud, so her first squawks went unnoticed. But as I walked back to the bathroom to rinse her pacifier for the second time after she spit it on the floor, a blood-curling screech followed me, prompting a reaction from an older lady sitting at the sushi bar.  I knew then what I had to do.

Get the hell out of there!

I did not want to be “those people” with the screaming kid, garnering angry stares from everyone sitting around us. So I quickly inhaled a few bites of chicken, gathered her up, and went home.

There you have it. I reached a new mummy milestone and I survived. Scratch that off the list and wait for the next one.

8 thoughts on “Mummy Milestone #28

  1. I wasn’t there, but thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You are proof that babies don’t make everyone myopic! I knew it was possible. Thank you.


  2. Oh yes, the restaurant meltdown- it seems to happen to the best of us. I too have been seen packing up and getting the hell out of dodge, leaving my husband at the table to wrap up check process.


  3. Gotta love those kiddos of ours, they always seem to know when we badly want them to behave, and so they DON’T. Typical. I will agree with Rich. It’s important for us parents to be considerate of others around us when we’re out in public, especially when we are dealing with a full-blown kiddo meltdown. BUT I also think that people need to be more patient with parents who bring their kids out. Sometimes we don’t have a choice. Sometimes we just NEED to get out of the house and try to do something “normal.” My kids are generally well behaved, but when we do have a meltdown or we see one coming we try very hard to head it off at the pass, all while attempting some normalcy. xoxo


    • You’re totally right! People should be more patient with us parents and our little ones, especially if they’ve been through it themselves. But I get not wanting to listen to a screaming baby while trying to enjoy a meal. I think we’ll have to stick to family-style restaurants from now on though. My baby seems to be entering a new phase. Oh joy!


  4. Oh my daughter did this when I was out with my in- laws. So i took her outside while everyone finished up. What did my father in law say? Make her sit in the high chair and scream and if that doesn’t work put her in karate to teach self discipline. She is 16 months. It was classic ridiculous advice.


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