
Becoming a mom is a little like getting roofied (at least I’m guessing since I’ve never actually been roofied.) But from what I’ve heard on shows like CSI or Law & Order, getting roofied and raising a baby will leave you passed out with random body parts exposed and weird fluids crusted on your skin. You wake up very groggy not quite remembering the last thing you were doing. That sums up my life perfectly at this point!

“We don’t even remember what life was like before the baby” is a commonly used phrase by new parents.  Mummy & Daddynesia at work!  Non-parents smile at the sickly sweetness of this while veteran parents think, “And you never will, ever again.” I always thought it meant that the new parents were basking in the glow of their newborn baby they loved so much, but it’s probably closer to not knowing which end is up in the midst of the newborn vortex. I just knew that I would use this clichéd expression when talking to people about the ways my life changed post-baby because it is true. From the moment you give birth, your life is forever changed and your old life is not put on pause, it’s simply gone.

So what does that mean for your old identity? My mom likes to quote “them” saying, “They say you shouldn’t lose sight of who you are. Don’t give up everything.” This coming from the mom whose life was her children. I get what she’s saying. I should continue to do the things that I did before my daughter so I don’t have a mental breakdown and a real identity crisis when she eventually doesn’t need me anymore and I’m left clutching her woobie and crying in the corner. Maybe this “Mummynesia” is a good thing…how could I miss what I don’t even remember?

7 thoughts on “Mummynesia

  1. Sister ! I’m seriously impressed with the wordpress skillz !?! Your an incredible writer , I knew you’d be a brilliant blogger ! And you’ve decorated the place so snazzy, I LOVE it !


  2. I love this post! It’s so true…I like to ask non-parents what do they do with all of their free time? Cuz I don’t even remember what I used to do on Saturdays pre-baby!

    You are so awesome at blogging already- I’m so glad you’re doing this!


    • Thanks Christy! I know what you mean. It’s funny because I used to look forward to the weekends so much but now they’re just like any other day of the week for me…that is, until football starts!! : )


  3. This is better than I could have imagined. Really well done, Jewel! I have enjoyed reading all of the blogs, though I read them backwards (typical, really,) so the first has been my last. I think it is the best of them so far, but I certainly don’t mean to discourage future entries!!! I really did laugh out loud at the first paragraph.
    While I obviously don’t relate personally to the parenthood references, I have been able to witness Anashri’s plunge into motherhood rather closely, so I know the ring of truth which you so pithily impart! I wish I could also gave the benefit of proximity with you in this journey — well, DUH — but the blog does make me feel more a part of your life again:)
    Keep up the great work!
    Love you.


    • Thank you KT! I was hoping that you wouldn’t be discouraged to take a gander once you found out it was about motherhood…so I’m glad you threw caution to the wind and I’m even happier that you liked it! : ) I’m going to try my best to keep it free of schmaltzy stuff since I know you’re not a fan like JG and I are…this way you’ll keep coming back. Now if you started a blog maybe I could feel like I still get to see you everyday! I’ll be waiting…
      Big hug!


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